Sometimes, the world of survey research can seem more elusive than it really is. We’re accustomed to seeing survey data nearly everywhere – data visualizations on social media, political polls on the news, and more – but many people don’t actually know how results are collected or who participates in surveys.

We’re going to demystify online survey sampling, starting with a closer look at the “supply” side of the industry and how it works within the Lucid Marketplace.


Buyers, Suppliers, Survey Sample: What Does it Mean?


Who are sample buyers?

So, we can’t easily define a sample supplier without explaining who their buyers are and what they’re buying. Buyers can be brands, agencies, academics, pollsters, or anyone who wants to survey specific populations. These buyers pay respondents to complete online surveys for the purpose of collecting survey sample.

What is survey sample?

Survey sample consists of data from a set number of people (a “sample”) within target populations and can be used to gauge the sentiments of specific demographics or the general population.

Who are sample suppliers?

A supplier – also known as a supply partner, provider, or seller – is anyone with access to an online community of users who are eligible to participate in surveys. Suppliers are the ones who allow buyers to send surveys to their community of respondents.

At Lucid, these transactions all take place on the Marketplace. That means buyers send surveys to be completed by specific respondents, and suppliers match the right respondents to the surveys they qualify for. 


Becoming a Survey Sample Supplier

If you have an online community of users, there’s a chance you’re missing out on opportunities to monetize. There are many different online communities that can supply survey respondents. Here are just a few:

Traditional survey panels: Online survey panels attract a wide range of respondents. An online panel is a group of research participants who opt in to provide responses to surveys. Respondents are typically asked to provide information about themselves and their household, including demographics, purchase habits, and lifestyle.

Rewards or loyalty programs: Many retailers that are looking to build customer loyalty will offer rewards or loyalty programs. Surveys are a great way for rewards or loyalty programs to further incentivize and engage their online community.

Online games and apps: Some suppliers provide activities for their users to complete as a way to earn in-game currency. Often, these activities are listed on an offerwall. An offerwall is essentially an in-app online shop that lists offers, such as surveys, that give users a reward or incentive for participating.

Publishers: By giving users the option to complete a survey in exchange for viewing premium content, website publishers can offer access to specific groups of respondents.

Lucid has worked with many suppliers who are new to survey sampling. In fact, we love introducing new suppliers to the world of research technology and helping them get the most engagement from their online communities.


How Do New Suppliers Join the Lucid Marketplace?

Suppliers have a choice of paths to follow when joining Lucid. These include:

  • API integration into the Marketplace
  • Non-integrated Marketplace Supply Link
  • Supply directly to buyers off the Marketplace

API Integration gives suppliers a high degree of control over their online audience. With the ability to directly map respondents to qualifications within the Lucid sample marketplace, suppliers can easily match the right respondents to surveys they qualify for – helping to ensure a positive respondent experience and encourage future participation. Our support team works with suppliers to create a custom API integration and gets them set up in a matter of weeks.

Our Supply Link lets suppliers get their online community get survey opportunities sent to them, without being integrated into the Lucid Marketplace. Setup is quick, leading to new revenue streams and immediate marketplace visibility. Lucid’s proprietary algorithm matches respondents with surveys, prioritizing high earnings-per-click surveys, and redirecting respondents if they don’t qualify for or complete the first survey they reach.

If a direct integration into the Lucid Marketplace isn’t right for a supplier, we offer the option to work with buyers outside the Marketplace where Lucid is counterparty. This allows suppliers to get access to high quality demand in the Lucid Marketplace without directly joining the Marketplace. These suppliers are still paid by Lucid for off-Marketplace survey completes.

All suppliers on the Lucid Marketplace are vetted and aligned to meet our quality standards – this includes all Lucid supply sources (both on and off the Marketplace). Once suppliers are vetted and able to meet the security and quality requirements of the Marketplace, they can start directing their participants to live surveys.


What are the Benefits of Being a Sample Supplier?

If you’re wondering why an online community would want to become a supplier, here are a few great reasons:

  1. Surveys provide suppliers with a new way to keep users engaged with their online platform.
  2. Suppliers are compensated for providing survey respondents, so it generates a new source of revenue.
  3. Respondents also get paid for completing surveys, so there are incentives for participants too.

With the digital space growing so quickly, supplier opportunities are on the rise. Becoming a sample supplier is an untapped resource for many online communities. In addition to generating revenue, survey sampling also enables suppliers to discover new business opportunities and grow their network to ensure greater success.

If you’re interested in becoming a supplier, contact our Marketplace Supply team to learn more.